Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Company.... new frontiers

I worked for 30 years for a great company with fantastic resources and very smart people.  During that time, the internet was invented and my FORTRAN experience with Card DECs and a big main frame, or Basic over a 300BPS audio modem has served me well.

I'm now trying to figure out how to blog then link it into our new company's website.  This is my second post.  The good news is that I asked the intern sitting at the front desk for ideas on how to achieve my goal, and she smiled sheepishly and said she had no clue.  I felt better.

So, posting 2... is done.  I'll attach a picture, so you won't be too bored.  I figure if Keith Richards can still be rocking out at his age, I can be doing a start-up at mine.

until next time..


  1. This is what a comment from an old Doug to an old dog looks like. I used blogspot to chronicle the construction of my house in Maine. See if you can find it. Hint: it is a Maine island house.

  2. Thanks, I read it as you built it.

  3. Congratulations on your new venture!

  4. This is now my third attempt because of my challenges logging into my Google account as required to leave a post. Best to you. I look forward to reading blog post #1.

    1. Thanks. I've found leaving a comment is clunky,mand am thinking of using something where you don't have to have a Google account.

  5. Sounds awesome - let me know how the analytics go.
