Monday, November 16, 2015

Radius Working on Nov 20

Radius-Semiconductor was notified that we were NOT selected as a finalist for the NCIdea Start-up grant program.  Instead of driving to Durham to 'pitch' our business to the judges, we will be spending this Friday, 20 Nov,  at our development offices in the Nussbaum Center in Greensboro, doing what we do,  'Developing World Class Analog IP'.  
Hensley and Boles Running Circuit Simulations
We were a little disappointed that we didn't make the cut, and thus no chance for the $$$$ grant. We learned a great deal from the process, especially from the feedback that we received.  As part of the process we identified and consulted with a list of company advisors.  Not surprisingly, we were told that our Advisors were 'very strong, and well connected'.  (I won't identify our advisors by name, but "Thanks, we value your inputs and help".)

Our team was generally rated as Excellent, with one reviewer saying that we were 'Straight out of Central Casting'.  On the business proposition, another reviewer commented,  'Finally a hard technology, not another app to locate the closest bar.'  Several reviewers commented that Radius is 'working on a hard, important problem' and a 'solution will result in real value.'

It's not clear why we weren't chosen, but the one of the goals for the grants was to help companies get ready for subsequent equity funding.  One reviewer commented, "You don't seem interested in investment".  Another commented,  "Your first customer may acquire Radius".  

We'd like to thank NCIdea for sponsoring this competition, and for facilitating the feedback.  It has sharpened our focus and our resolve.  I've been asked by several of you, "What exactly are you working on?"  We aren't talking publicly about that topic.  But we were talking about it when we took the picture below.  Stay Tuned.  ;-)
Jeffries, Gratzek and Elliot reviewing system architecture

Monday, October 12, 2015

Radius Semiconductor Chosen as Semifinalist by NCIDEA

Radius Semiconductor is pleased to announce that we have been chosen as one of the 22 semi-finalist in the NCIdea Fall 2015 grant cycle.  NC IDEA is a private foundation committed to supporting business innovation and economic advancement in North Carolina.  (

Radius was chosen from 130 applicants, and will be competing for grants that will be awarded in early December.

In the NCIdea press announcement, they heralded grant applications in 'industries from Software to Semiconductors'.  As far as we can tell, Radius is the only semiconductor company to pass into the semi-final round.   We appreciate this vote of support for our business plan, and will be keeping all of you updated as the process unfolds.

Thanks for your interest in Radius.  Keep watching this space.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Fulbright Scholars Visit Radius Semiconductor

A group of German Fulbright Scholars dropped by the offices of Radius Semiconductor last week. In this picture, one of our co-founders (Michael Elliot, in red), describes our company, our goals, and differences in culture and decision making when compared to working at a large established company.

These college age students were obviously intelligent and very interested in our effort.  There was some collective surprise when we described that it was more fun to be working for a small enterprise where we had more control and had to make our own decisions,  even though there is no safety net.   Their reaction may be due to cultural reasons or that these folks are just getting started with their careers, and haven't experience large company processes.  Perhaps Germans tend to respect the wisdom of big organizations more than some Americans.

We were glad to meet these folks, and honored that they sought our inputs.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Company.... new frontiers

I worked for 30 years for a great company with fantastic resources and very smart people.  During that time, the internet was invented and my FORTRAN experience with Card DECs and a big main frame, or Basic over a 300BPS audio modem has served me well.

I'm now trying to figure out how to blog then link it into our new company's website.  This is my second post.  The good news is that I asked the intern sitting at the front desk for ideas on how to achieve my goal, and she smiled sheepishly and said she had no clue.  I felt better.

So, posting 2... is done.  I'll attach a picture, so you won't be too bored.  I figure if Keith Richards can still be rocking out at his age, I can be doing a start-up at mine.

until next time..

Radius Semiconductor Introduction

In May 2015, we announced the formation of Radius Semiconductor. Since then we’ve reviewed our plans on a confidential basis with various ‘friends’ in the industry. The feedback and encouragement that we’ve received has been welcome and encouraging. Thanks to all (you know who you are.) By plan, we are now in a development mode where we are transitioning our aspirational ‘vapor-ware’ to reality. Stay tuned here over the coming months for updates.

We have taken space at the Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship ( located just south of downtown Greensboro.

Our founders are alumni of Analog Devices (, and are excited to be part of the growing semiconductor ecosystem of the Triad Region of NC, which includes Qorvo, ADI, Triad Semiconductor, Guerrilla RF, Skyworks, Futurewei, and now Radius Semiconductor. We have been extremely pleased with the encouragement we’ve received from investors, Greensboro's entrepreneurial and business community, friends, family and colleagues.

To be successful, we know we have to provide excellent and sustained value to our customers. We think that what we have planned will achieve this goal, and allow us to serve our constituents. If you want more information, we’d be glad to brief you. Easiest way is to reach out on our web site. 

By the way, how do you like our Logo?