Monday, November 16, 2015

Radius Working on Nov 20

Radius-Semiconductor was notified that we were NOT selected as a finalist for the NCIdea Start-up grant program.  Instead of driving to Durham to 'pitch' our business to the judges, we will be spending this Friday, 20 Nov,  at our development offices in the Nussbaum Center in Greensboro, doing what we do,  'Developing World Class Analog IP'.  
Hensley and Boles Running Circuit Simulations
We were a little disappointed that we didn't make the cut, and thus no chance for the $$$$ grant. We learned a great deal from the process, especially from the feedback that we received.  As part of the process we identified and consulted with a list of company advisors.  Not surprisingly, we were told that our Advisors were 'very strong, and well connected'.  (I won't identify our advisors by name, but "Thanks, we value your inputs and help".)

Our team was generally rated as Excellent, with one reviewer saying that we were 'Straight out of Central Casting'.  On the business proposition, another reviewer commented,  'Finally a hard technology, not another app to locate the closest bar.'  Several reviewers commented that Radius is 'working on a hard, important problem' and a 'solution will result in real value.'

It's not clear why we weren't chosen, but the one of the goals for the grants was to help companies get ready for subsequent equity funding.  One reviewer commented, "You don't seem interested in investment".  Another commented,  "Your first customer may acquire Radius".  

We'd like to thank NCIdea for sponsoring this competition, and for facilitating the feedback.  It has sharpened our focus and our resolve.  I've been asked by several of you, "What exactly are you working on?"  We aren't talking publicly about that topic.  But we were talking about it when we took the picture below.  Stay Tuned.  ;-)
Jeffries, Gratzek and Elliot reviewing system architecture